27 November 2009

Eleanor Rigby

You've read the Cheeseys sayin' Eleanor Rigby is the greatest song ever made, right? You haven't? Shuck for you, dude! Anyways, I have NEVER heard the lyrics for E.R. in my entire life! the only way I know it's osome is because of the Impaler. So today I went onto YouTube and searched for Eleanor Rigby and listened. I listened good! And orale*, it was good! A little depressing, but good. No, not good. Clearly it deserved a Cheesey good! I could hear the cellos in the background. Which is cool because I play the cello along with the Impaler. So if you have never, EVER heard E.R., go online to YouTube or "borrow" your parents', grandparents', friends' etc., Beatles CD and listen. LISTEN GOOD!

Cheese Face out.

*orale- Spanish for God.


  1. You'd never heard the lyrics before? That isn't good! I've known all the lyrics by heart since i was like, 5! It's the awesomest song ever!!!!! I'm so glad I gave Mr.S that book.

  2. I'm glad you gave him that book too! If it wasn't for that, i would still be here hatin' on the beatles, but not anymore! :0)

  3. AnonymousJune 20, 2011

    U hated the beatles????? geez dude
