21 February 2011

They Might be Giants-Birdhouse In Your Soul

They Might Be Giants' "Birdhouse In Your Soul" from their 1990 album "Flood". I love this song.

"Blue canary in the outlet be the light switch
Who watches over you
Make a little birdhouse in your soul..."

Cheese Face out.

03 February 2011

Things That Shoud Never Happen. Like EVER.

This is David Tennant. He plays the Tenth Doctor on Doctor Who. Squee.

This is David Tennant when he turned to the dark side*. The side with Daleks and Cybermen. Or stuff. Non-squee. NO! IT SHOULD NOT EVER HAPPEN. My first reaction was "what?" and then it turned to "Maybe the Daleks saw this picture and that's why they want to EXTERMINATE! him." And finally, "This is too serious for numbers" How could he do this to me?! In all the Who episodes he's in I just wanna go up to him and give him a big hug. He's THAT loveable. But when he does THIS?! This is unspeakable. Now he's left me confused. Tsk, tsk, Tennant.

My sisters, who are also Who fans, their reactions were much different than mine. Mini Cheeseface looked at the picture, went into denial, and then Gibbs' smacked me upside the head. Well. Then the little one was like, "I hate this!" and ran off.

I might write an angry email. But that's kinda stalkerish and creepy. No, I will save my anger. Because this must end. Right here. On this site.


Cheese Face out.

*He does not turn to the dark side on Who, thank God. The pic is from another movie he was in. Oh, God, no...

EDIT 24 JANUARY: Yeah, a few months back, I found out this movie is Fright Night the remake. And I still very much want to see it. Opinions change. Hypocrisy not included.

Doctor Who - Parry Gripp

OMG! Parry Gripp is now one of the greatest people in the universe because he made this video. The Doctor would be proud.

02 February 2011

Doctor Who - "I am the Doctor" - Sing along

"I Am The Doctor" sung by Jon Pertwee aka the Third Doctor. So freakin' awesome!

Cheese Face out.

01 February 2011


During the school year, I came up with many witty sayings. And I drew them on notebook paper. In 3D! And for an added bonus, I made little pictures to go along with said sayings. (Heh, pun unintentional). And now: iArt, aka Internet Art.
Oh, I'd hate to be that weatherman. This is the first picture I drew in my notebook. Pretty good, I'd say.

Oh this guy's no karma Houdini. Sucker.

Yes, we are the 3rd Rock From the Sun.

If you can't read it, the guy behind the counter is saying "Blueberry smoothie?" and the guy ordering is saying "True Chiz."

Yes I know 'tickle' is misspelled. It's supposed to be like that. It adds.... Randomness.

Who wouldn't want a PB bunny?

I had watched too much Avatar: The Last Airbender when I made this in social studies.

This onion's got problems if he's mean.
She's moody.

If you can't read it, the box says Question: Different weights fall at the same speed. Hypothesis: NO! Yes! And then there's a bowling ball and a tennis ball. I made it in science with Mrs. P. as our sub and we were watching Bill Nye.

I don't know what happened here...

Banana flavored pop?! As the tenth Doctor would say, "Banana's are good for you."

This bunny makes a good point.

Maybe the moon is made of cheese and the astronauts and NASA lied to us.

Is this a candy? Cuz I think it is. If you can't read the label on the butter carton it says: Real Artificial Butter By-Product made from nuts.

Should I buy Shan't or Shisn't?

Because I LOVE Doctor Who, I drew the TARDIS in all her glory.

Time Lords do rule. I had my brother draw the Tenth Doctor and oh, my God he's adorable. He's even more adorable when he whips out his Brainy Specs. *Squees* Click the pic to enjoy the Doctor's adorkableness.

Cheese Face out.