28 November 2009

100th Post Extravaganza!

I'm not having the extravaganza, but the Impaler sure is! Be sure to check it out tonight 5:00 P.M.! I'm guest bloggin. Steve Joe Bob is gueat bloggin', heck, we might even get to see Joe and Bob! Don't miss it. This is bigger than the Cheesey's!

Cheese Face out.

27 November 2009

Eleanor Rigby

You've read the Cheeseys sayin' Eleanor Rigby is the greatest song ever made, right? You haven't? Shuck for you, dude! Anyways, I have NEVER heard the lyrics for E.R. in my entire life! the only way I know it's osome is because of the Impaler. So today I went onto YouTube and searched for Eleanor Rigby and listened. I listened good! And orale*, it was good! A little depressing, but good. No, not good. Clearly it deserved a Cheesey good! I could hear the cellos in the background. Which is cool because I play the cello along with the Impaler. So if you have never, EVER heard E.R., go online to YouTube or "borrow" your parents', grandparents', friends' etc., Beatles CD and listen. LISTEN GOOD!

Cheese Face out.

*orale- Spanish for God.

26 November 2009

The Cheesey Awards

Welcome one and all to the 2nd semi- semi-annual Cheesey Awards! This one was a good one that's for sure. I remember the first ever Cheesey Awards. Since I had randomly Come up with it at the spur of the moment, I didn't have time to make awards. But not this time. Yep. The Winner or Winners, as we had last time, for Best Blog will get a certificate proving their efforts worthy of a Cheesey Award. And not only that! But I'm also giving Cheeseys to some honorary nominees, one you couldn't get to vote on 'cuz, these nominees were specifically hand-picked by me. So sit down withe your fried frayed friends and enjoy the show. IT BEGINS...... NOW!

First Category is Best Blog.
The Mind of Steve Joe Bob
Wilma Knows All
Impaled by Unicorns
The Almost Real Adventures of Bob

You voted and the winner is... Impaled By Unicorns!! Congrats!

Second Category is Favorite Female Singer
Katy Perry
Lady GaGa
Charlotte Martin

And the winner is... Lady GaGa. Hurray. :0|

Up next is Favorite Male Singer
Parry Gripp
Jason Mras
Micheal Jackson

The winner is... Parry Gripp! Yeah, all right.

And now a word form our sponsor.

Aren't you tired of throwing rotten fruits and veggies down the trash. That's like throwing away money. Well we have a solution for you. Introducing the Food Saver**. With the Food Saver you will never again needlessly throw away your fruits and veggies. All you do is stick your food into the specially formulated sack that protects your food. And Food Saver is shock absorbent. You could have a major league baseball player throw the sack, with an egg in it, and the egg would still be OK! To order call 1-800-FAKENUMBER or go online to youwererippedoff.com.
**Food Saver is not approved by the FDA and does not meet requirements. Food Saver is not responsible for mutations, disease, and any deaths that should occur when using this product.

Well doesn't that seem like a handy product!

Our next category is Awsomest Band.
*the beatles*
Trout Fishin' in America
Nuttin But Strings

You voted and the winner is... *the beatles*

The next category is Favorite Sport

the winner is... IT'S A THREE-WAY TIE!!

Most Random Thing To Say When Talking To Your Grandmother
You like Dags?
Burt into hysterical laghter

Well? What is it? It is... CHEETOES!

The next category is Favorite Movie.


Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Mall Cop

Bee Movie


And the winner is... Monty Python and the Holy Grail

And now the moment you've all been waiting for, Mr. Cheese and his Fantastical Stunt!

(Mr. Cheese speaking)

We are outside of Cheesecakia Studios in Cheeseland, CE, standing on the Yellow Carpet where we await the upcoming stunt. Out stunt is going to get us into the Guinness Book of World Records if I do say so myself. We are going to have a willing and faithful volunteer from the mob behind me go down THE WORLD'S FIRST SLIP 'N' SLIDE! OK not the world's first regular Slip 'n' Slide, but it is the first one to have pure liquid cheese pumped into it, courtesy of Cheese Hut, and it is over a mile long. (Yes, Cheesecakia uses the non-metric system). OK we pick you to be our volunteer. She treks up the hill and here she goes! (Screams excitedly) She has finished the Slip 'n' Slide with a top speed of 42 mph! Anew record! Well All of this is a new record but still... Back to you Cheese Face.

OK it's our final category, Favorite Song. Nominees:

Eleanor Rigby

Last Train to Awesmetown

I Got No iPhone

And the winner of Favorite Song is... Eleanor Rigby!!

And now for some Honorary Winners!

Hannah L. - Best 8th grade friend

Katie W. - Awesome friend

Micah F. - Awesome friend

And Bob - Being the awesomest Ippit I've ever known

The Impaler, Auntie Wilma, and Steve Joe Bob - Participating in the Cheesey Awards

Congratulations to all the Winners. Thanks for reading and GOOD NIGHT!

--Cheese Face :0)

24 November 2009

Countdown To AWESOME!

It's only 48 more hours away! The Cheesey Awards are almost here. So I will put up a Countdown so we can countdown til the Cheeseys come!


Cheese Face out.

23 November 2009


Good evening and welcome to Random Questions. I'm your hast the Cheese Face.

Random Question 1: What is the super secret act you have planned for the Cheesey Awards?
Answer: You'll have to wait 3 days for that answer.

Random Question 2: how DO you find density?
Answer: Mass over volume.

Random Question 3: what does 'dipthong' mean?
Answer: It is the shh sound, for example; the sound two letters make.

Random Question 4: If it is raining in Honolulu and you are having chamomile tea with a badger, does the forest get louder?
Answer: Yes.

That's is for Random Questions.

Cheese Face out.

I Can See Clearly Now

You might think I titles this post because of that song that goes " I can see clearly now the rain is gone..." but nope. While I do enjoy that song, the real reason I can see clearly now is because I am gettin' new glasses! You say I lie?! There is no Cheese Face wearing glasses in the Halloweenies picture. Well I don't lie. You can ask the Impaler herself because I DO wear glasses.

Wow that was short. No funny remarks or cheesy jokes. I must be losing my luster. Está loca, losing my luster. I just made a funny remark! I'm back!! 'Course, those of you who are die-hard George Lopez fans know why that's funny. (sheepish laugh).

Cheese Face out.

22 November 2009

50 Posts Ago...

That is right. it is the 50th post of The Cheese Face Page. 50 posts ago, I told you the story of how I came to be known as the Cheese Face. And now look at me. I have my own semi-annual awards show! How many other blogs have you read that have an awards show? Or an ongoing segment of 4 totally random questions? Or how about my fairly new segment of The Cheese Face, the one where I talk about stuff that's just plain awesome, *the beatles*, or stuff that's well... plain awesome, ):^. Eggbert. For the Impaler, Auntie Wilma, Bob, and Steve Joe Bob, you has your Eggbert.

But in honor of this special celebration, I will type the word blog 50 times, followed by Ni, 50 times. Here I go.

Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog
Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog
Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog
Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog
Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog!!

And now for Ni. * in CAPS I might add*


Thank you faithful readers, for reading this magnificent blog.

Cheese Face out.


I just want to say thanks, you guys, the faithful readers of The Cheese Face Page, for voting NON-STOP for the Cheeseys. You guys are awesome, so know I'm gonna give you an update on how all the candidates are doing on the polls.

Favorite Song:
Eleanor Rigby-- 2 votes
Last Train to Awesometown-- 1 vote
I Got No iPhone-- no votes

Favorite Movie:
Monty Python and the Holy Grail-- 3 votes
Mall Cop-- no votes
Bee Movie-- no votes
Twilight-- 1 vote

Most Random thing to Say When talking to Your Grandmother:
CHEETOES!!-- 4 votes
You like Dags?-- 1 vote
Burst into hysterical laughter- 1 vote

Favorite Sport:
Tennis-- 2 votes
Baseball-- 1 vote
Volleyball-- 1 vote

Awesomest Band;
*the beatles*-- 9 votes
Trout Fishin' in America-- 2 votes
Nuttin' But Strings-- 1 vote

Best Blog:
The Mind of Steve Joe Bob-- 5 votes
Wilma Knows All-- 3 votes
Impaled by Unicorns-- 6 votes
The Almost Real Adventures of Bob-- 4 votes

Favorite Mal singer:
Parry Gripp-- 4 votes
Jason Mras-- 2 votes
Micheal Jackson-- 1 vote

Favorite Female Singer:
Katy Perry-- 1 vote
Lady GaGa-- 3 votes
Charlotte Martin-- 3 votes

Cheese Face out

RE: New Moon!

Well, I has gone and done it. I has seen New Moon. Let me just say this, it was AWESOME!! I want to go see it again. Well. that's all I have to say.

Cheese Face out.

20 November 2009

New Moon!

Sup. I is soopir estascated! The title says it all. That's right! I get to see New Moon! Tomorrow, for my friend's b-day. Her actual b-day is on The Cheesey Awards, but since that is Thanksgiving, we'll go... TOMORROW!! I just said that didn't I? Well, it's gonna be awesome. I have waited for this day since March! Hurray for the vampire craze that is sweeping the nation of Cheesecakia! At least, for me anyway. The Impaler's opinion on vampires is, well, her opinion, and i cannot change that. 'cuz that is mean. Iwouldn't do that to a fffffffffffrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeennnnnnnndddddd.B-]>. It's Johnny the guy with a goatee emoticon! I mades him ups. Well.... bye.

Cheese Face out.

19 November 2009

The Cheese Face: Awesome Songs

Welcome to tonight's post of The Cheese Face. Today we are going to talk about awesome songs.

Song: Eleanor Rigby
By: The Beatles
Why it's Awesome: it's just plain awesome. You can't argue with that!
Off the Charts: Yes

Song: Last Train to Awesometown
By: Parry Gripp
Why it's Awesome: "The roof is on fire, gonna burn it to the ground..."
Off the Charts: Yes

Song: 18 Wheels on a Big Rig
By: Trout Fishing in America
Why it's Awesome: "Oh there's 3.1431425679...11... million wheels on a big rig..."
Off the Charts: Almost there

Song: Boogie Boogie Hedgehog
By: Parry Gripp
Why it's Awesome: "Boogie boogie hedgehog, eatin onna carrot, got your head stuck in a toilet paper tube..."
Off the Charts: Yes

Song: I Got No iPhone
By: Parry Gripp
Why it's Awesome: "When the boat capsizes, no hope on the horizon, got a 2 year contract and I'm stuck on Verizon!..."
Off the Charts: Yep

Song: This is My Ringtone
By Parry Gripp
Why It's Awesome: "Everybody look at me, I've got 3G..."
Off the Charts: Is an iPhone awesome? (Yes)

Song: I Can't Stop Googling Myself
By: Parry Gripp
Why it's Awesome: "I can't stop googling myself... I do it every night,woo, I know it ain't right!.."
Off the Charts: His brain might be, too (Yes)

Cheese Face out.

17 November 2009

Too Many Teachers!

What is up! It is I the Cheese Face. Well, for the past couple of weeks, my social studies teacher, Mrs. H. has been gone. The entire class is speculating what could have happened. Like she was abducted by aliens, or somethin'. But anyway, we have been getting 5 different subs for 21 Days! First, we had Mrs. P. You 'member Mrs. P., 'member? You 'member. Then we had Mr. D. and he was OK. Then we had Mr. M. Then after him we had Mr. B.lue. Then We had Mrs. P.atzoff. I hated her. every time I sneezed she just glared at me. I hated it. Now we have Mr.B. again and I'm stating to wonder just how many substitute teachers are the in Cheeseland.

Actually, I liked Mr. D. the best. He wasn't boring yet he wasn't all fun and games all the time. He talked mostly about WWII, but that was because we had watched a video about it the day before.

Cheese Face out.

14 November 2009


Hello, and welcome to Random Questions. I'm your host, The Cheese Face.

Random Question 1: If it is raining on Mt. Rainier, and you are discussing about whether it should rain on the 3rd Wednesday of June, does the badger make a sound?
Answer: Yes

Random Question 2: Show us how to count to infinity.
Answer: 1... infinity.

Random Question 3: Name as many cheeses you can.
Answer: Cheddar, Pepper jack, Gorgonzola, mozzarella, Gouda, Sharp Cheddar, Swiss, Bleu, Bree, white Cheddar.

Random Question 4: ARE YOU MAD?! You put my enchiladoritoes into the toilet as a dip for you dog Spunky over there?!
Answer: I don't have a dog named Spunky, I've never seen an enchiladoritoes, and no, I'm not mad.

That's it for Random Questions.

Cheese Face out.

08 November 2009

Its Time Once Again for the CHEESEY AWARDS!!

Yo-la, you know me, the super awesome Cheese Face. Now Listen, the Cheesey Awards are comin' up reeeeaaaaal soon-like, like on Thankgiving. I am going to post A BUNCH of polls just for this occaisian. Your job is to vote and vote every day so your favorite nominee can win! Tell All your friend to go to http://thecheeseface.blogspot.com/ to vote. The more votes, the better!

Cheese Face out.

05 November 2009

Cheese Face Has No Game

The Cheese Face saying What up?! Yesterday, in gym class our regular teacher Mr. N. was gone so we had *gulp* Mrs. P. Mrs. P. is about 10 times worse than Mr. L. and about 20 times meaner than the V.P. at our school. And yes V.P. stands for vice principal not for vice president. But in gym we are learning to play volleyball, a game in which I have no game. And with Mrs. P. around, her form of "encouragement" is quite the opposite. Discouragement you could say. So when we serve the ball, 90% of us "newbies" have never even played volleyball before, so of course we're gonna jank up the joint*.
(* see Cheeselish/ English translation)

Mrs. P. is all like "I thought I told you NOT to hit the sound board. Do you know what you did wrong?" And I was thinking No, because you would't tell us what we were doing wrong.

With that kind of sub, you wouldn't have no game either.

Cheese Face out.

* Jank up the joint-- To stink; to be suckish in a sport or anything else really

01 November 2009

Me, on Halloweenies

Me, as Abby Sciuto from NCIS.

See, that is me! That's right! The Cheese Face did go goth for Halloweenies just like I said I would. 'Cept, I'm not usually goth. But it's still me. And guess what?! My face is not made of cheese! I told you non-believers. And look how awesome my Caf-Pow cup is. My mom made it out of a junior sized popcorn bucket and printed Caf-Pow logos.

Now the word logo has me thinkin', "Why is the word logo called logo." I mean seriously! Why call it a logo; why not call it a "picture representing a company or other group"? I guess that's too long so the shorted it to logo. I wonder if logo is an acronym? Or an abbreviation of some sort. Whatever the reason, logo is still a crazy word.

Cheese Face out.


Dang! You guys voted for who was best like your lives depended on it! Well, in case some of my fans didn't see the poll, lemme recap.

Who is Better?
Parry Gripp
The Beatles
Trout Fishing in America

So who was best? Oh, what was the name of that band *the Beatles* that won *the Beatles* who was best? It was *the Beatles* on the tip of my *the Beatles* tongue. Oh, it was The Beatles!

Cheese Face out