16 August 2010


So, the school system decided to cut our simmering summer heatwave short. On one hand, I'm glad because I'll get to see awesome individuals, and prove that I can come out of my overall-y cocoon. On the other side of the spectrum, I don't get to sleep til 10 every morning and stay up til Black Friday times watching CNN. Why school systemz, why?! Oh, well.

Cheese Face out.

1 comment:

  1. Overall-y cocoon? Would this be referring to the paper/denim-mache chrysalis that you crawl into when you hibernate each summer? The Cheeseface hibernates because the cheeseface is not just a person, but a BEING. Just like Chuck Norris or agent Gibbs. And then when you emerge each school year, you have turned into a majestic, Gibbs-like, George Lopez quoting, Cheesier-than-ever, Cheeseface. Yes, this is an accurate description.
