10 January 2011

Random Questions: Post 21

Well, it's the first snowday of the year in Cheeseland, so it's time for Random Questions!

Random question 1: If the fire department and the fire departmant arrive at the same intersection at the same time, who has the right-of-way?
Answer: The police.

Random question 2: About how many inches of snow is Cheeseland expected to receive?
Answer: I've heard stories of 6-7 inches, but I really don't know

Random Question 3: What do you plan to do on this snowday?
Answer: Go sledding.

Random Question 4: Is it true that George Washington was the first President of the US of A?
Answer: No. There were 14 congressional presidents before him that Congress elected every year. GW was the first Constitutional president.

Cheese Face out.

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