27 September 2011

I'm Writing a Crack Fanfic

It's for English. We have to right a children's story with two animals that have to learn to settle their differences and make friends. My animals are a hedgehog (called John) and a giraffe (called the Doctor). Basically it's a Sherlock/Doctor Who crack fanfiction. Here's an excerpt.

“Oof!” He landed behind some bushes.  John brushed himself off and started to skitter down the street. Just as he came to a corner, he heard a loud sound. VVWWWOOORRRP! VVWWWOOORRRP! VVWWWOOORRRP!  It was an old police box! After the noise settled, a giraffe dressed in suspenders and a blue bowtie opened the door.
            “Hello, I’m the Doctor!”
            “A doctor? Doctor who?” John blinked.
            “Just the Doctor!”
            “You can’t be a doctor. You’re a giraffe!”
            The Doctor walked around and eyed John. “Why are you wearing a sweater?”
            “Why are you wearing a bowtie?
            “Oi! Bowties are cool.”

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