30 December 2009


Good evening. I'm your host, the Cheese Face.

Random questions 1: x+y=10. If y is 2 what is x?
Answer: x=8

Random Question 2: What is the combination of keys to use to make the Apple an a Mac?
Answer: Press everything I say except the pluses: shift+option+k and that should equal .

Random Question 3: A bird is flying south. A train leaves Cincinnati. You are eating mac 'n' cheese. What time does the beaver arrive for your monthy furnace repair?
Answer: 12:30 PM; Cheesecakian Standard Time.

Random Question 4 (part 1): What is your name?
Answer: Cheese Face of Cheesecakia.
RQ4(Pt 2): What is your quest?
Answer: To have a wicked awesome N.Y.E. Festival.
RQ4 (Pt 3): What is your favorite color?
Answer: Red.

That last one was (ahem) was from Monty Python.

Cheese Face out.

29 December 2009

It's Almost Here!

The New Year's Eve Festival is almost here! 3 more days! That means you guys have to vote on Best of the Year categories, like best song, best movie, and whatnot, in this time period. Why so short? Well, let's see? IT'S DECEMBER! I was busy with the holidays! But 3 days are better than 1 right? RIGHT? Right.

Cheese Face out.

24 December 2009

Happy Holidays!

Well, it is Christmas Eve. But what do the people who don't celebrate Christmas call it? I guess it's just another Thursday. But no worries cuz here comes the Mega Holiday Carol!

We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
And a happy New Year!

We wish you a happy Hanukkah
We wish you a happy Hanukkah
We wish you a happy Hanukkah
And a happy New Year!

We wish you a happy Kwanzaa
We wish you a happy Kwanzaa
We wish you a happy Kwanzaa
And a happy New Year!

We wish you a happy holidays
We wish you a happy holidays
We wish you a happy holidays

Merry Christmas and Season's Greetings from Cheese Face and Mr. Cheese, my Cheesecakian apprentice.

Cheese Face (and Mr. Cheese) out.

22 December 2009

The Prancie Test

Well, 90% of the girls at school are "snobbish pink clones" or "Prancies" as I call them. You know the type of girls who have the black eye liner all around their eyes, ridiculously sparkly eye shadow, bright Aréopostale shirt, gray sweatpants, that redundant ponytail with headband look, and brown Uggs. Well don't be scared. OK be scared, 'cuz almost every single girl in my Science class look like that. Me, and my friends Senora Fudgehead and M., are the only one who don't look like that.

So how do you know if YOU, the faithful readers if The Cheese Face Page know if you are considered a prancie? Just take this test.

  1. Uggs or Airwalks?
  2. A LOT of makeup or just a little bit?
  3. Aréopostale or Hot Topic?
  4. TV Guide scandals or George Lopez marathon on CW?
  5. Miley Cyrus music or Browse more iTunes songs?
  6. The-N or Nicktoons?
If you answered most of the second choices then congratulations! You are an individual.
BUT if you answered most of the first choices, then look around you! You are a clone!
There is a third option. If you answered equal parts of both first and second choices,or you had to answer neither for a question then just consider yourself, "unique" and I mean that in an unsarcastic way

Now get out of here.

Cheese Face out.


11 December 2009

Cheese Face vs. The Logic Bomb

Welcome to a very special post of The Cheese Face Page. Today I will use my mad skillz in an attempt to take down the Logic Bomb. Let's get logical.

Me: Say you were shopping and someone came in with a gun and ordered you to empty your wallet of all cash. Would you do it.

Logic Bomb: That depends.

M: On what?

LB: What if I had no cash.

M: OK, anything of monetary value.

LB: But if I give him a credit card he might steal my identity.

M: Why are you implying it's a him?

LB: Well most robbers are guys.

M: MOST! Not all.

LB: Back to the question at hand. No I wouldn't do it.

M: Gun was loaded an aimed for your head?

LB: Only to keep from getting killed.

M: New question. Let's say you were driving and the guy behind you rear-ended you. Whose fault was it.

LB: The other dude's.

M: He rear-ended you because of black ice.

LB: No one's. It was an act of God.

M: He slipped on the ice because he was speeding.

LB: Then the other dude's. He shouldn't have been speeding.

M: New question. You are working for the FBI as a cyber-geek to crack all if any encryptions. Your task is to crack the hardest one. What is your strategy?

LB: Use a logic bomb.

M: No comment.

LB: New question. While you where walking you dog, you witnessed a hit-and-run accident. Police take you in for questioning. Do they or do they not consider you a suspect?

M: Not a suspect. I witnessed it, I reported it, I gave the info. No suspect would do that because they were the ones who caused it and therefore know ALL the details and in turn that would get them arrested.

LB: No comment.

M: Anything else?

LB: No comment.

I win! I beat the Logic Bomb with Pure Logic!

Cheese Face out.

10 December 2009

New Year's Eve Festival!

Ahoy! This is about the first ever New Year's Eve Festival! Be here when I blog to you at midnight. And don't miss the super-special performance guest Mr. Cheese has booked! So be here 'cuz it all starts in 11 days! Don't miss it! I don't care if your at your grandmother's house with no Inter-web access, don't miss it! Oh, and there will be some guest bloggers too! Like the Impaler and Auntie Wilma, and S.J.B.!

Cheese Face out!

Everybody Hates Us

Yes, I know the title is a parody of Everybody Hates Chris. But that's not what I'm concerned about. Let me explain. Apparently, the CPS people were to lazy to call the Infinite Prez and tell her and her family that there will be no school. So without that knowledge, we show up at the front of the building and there is no one there. So we go home. Man, this is like an Everybody Hates Chris episode where Chris is the only one to show up for school.

The year was 2009. My home in Cheeseland was average. Well almost average.

That's all I got so far. It's a work in progress.

Cheese Face out.

08 December 2009

Newsflash from Cheese Face

Well good morning readers! I bring you news. It is snowing in Cheeseland causing... NO SCHOOL! Oh how the children of Cheeseland roam the the city with their sleds and whatnot. THIS JUST IN... (Doppler radar sound) It has snowed 6-12 inches just like the weather guy said! Hooray for the honest weatherman! Well I must go, for I want to go down the WICKED HILLS of Cheeseland High!

Cheese Face out.

04 December 2009

Goodbye, Mr. Monk

Today was the final episode of Monk. And frankly, I'm going to miss that crazy, OCD detective. So, goodbye Monk, it was a good show.

(starts weeping)
I can't believe it's over! WHY THEY GOT TO DO THIS TO ME!?! Sorry lost my cool there for a sec.

Goodbye, Monk.

Cheese Face out.

28 November 2009

100th Post Extravaganza!

I'm not having the extravaganza, but the Impaler sure is! Be sure to check it out tonight 5:00 P.M.! I'm guest bloggin. Steve Joe Bob is gueat bloggin', heck, we might even get to see Joe and Bob! Don't miss it. This is bigger than the Cheesey's!

Cheese Face out.

27 November 2009

Eleanor Rigby

You've read the Cheeseys sayin' Eleanor Rigby is the greatest song ever made, right? You haven't? Shuck for you, dude! Anyways, I have NEVER heard the lyrics for E.R. in my entire life! the only way I know it's osome is because of the Impaler. So today I went onto YouTube and searched for Eleanor Rigby and listened. I listened good! And orale*, it was good! A little depressing, but good. No, not good. Clearly it deserved a Cheesey good! I could hear the cellos in the background. Which is cool because I play the cello along with the Impaler. So if you have never, EVER heard E.R., go online to YouTube or "borrow" your parents', grandparents', friends' etc., Beatles CD and listen. LISTEN GOOD!

Cheese Face out.

*orale- Spanish for God.

26 November 2009

The Cheesey Awards

Welcome one and all to the 2nd semi- semi-annual Cheesey Awards! This one was a good one that's for sure. I remember the first ever Cheesey Awards. Since I had randomly Come up with it at the spur of the moment, I didn't have time to make awards. But not this time. Yep. The Winner or Winners, as we had last time, for Best Blog will get a certificate proving their efforts worthy of a Cheesey Award. And not only that! But I'm also giving Cheeseys to some honorary nominees, one you couldn't get to vote on 'cuz, these nominees were specifically hand-picked by me. So sit down withe your fried frayed friends and enjoy the show. IT BEGINS...... NOW!

First Category is Best Blog.
The Mind of Steve Joe Bob
Wilma Knows All
Impaled by Unicorns
The Almost Real Adventures of Bob

You voted and the winner is... Impaled By Unicorns!! Congrats!

Second Category is Favorite Female Singer
Katy Perry
Lady GaGa
Charlotte Martin

And the winner is... Lady GaGa. Hurray. :0|

Up next is Favorite Male Singer
Parry Gripp
Jason Mras
Micheal Jackson

The winner is... Parry Gripp! Yeah, all right.

And now a word form our sponsor.

Aren't you tired of throwing rotten fruits and veggies down the trash. That's like throwing away money. Well we have a solution for you. Introducing the Food Saver**. With the Food Saver you will never again needlessly throw away your fruits and veggies. All you do is stick your food into the specially formulated sack that protects your food. And Food Saver is shock absorbent. You could have a major league baseball player throw the sack, with an egg in it, and the egg would still be OK! To order call 1-800-FAKENUMBER or go online to youwererippedoff.com.
**Food Saver is not approved by the FDA and does not meet requirements. Food Saver is not responsible for mutations, disease, and any deaths that should occur when using this product.

Well doesn't that seem like a handy product!

Our next category is Awsomest Band.
*the beatles*
Trout Fishin' in America
Nuttin But Strings

You voted and the winner is... *the beatles*

The next category is Favorite Sport

the winner is... IT'S A THREE-WAY TIE!!

Most Random Thing To Say When Talking To Your Grandmother
You like Dags?
Burt into hysterical laghter

Well? What is it? It is... CHEETOES!

The next category is Favorite Movie.


Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Mall Cop

Bee Movie


And the winner is... Monty Python and the Holy Grail

And now the moment you've all been waiting for, Mr. Cheese and his Fantastical Stunt!

(Mr. Cheese speaking)

We are outside of Cheesecakia Studios in Cheeseland, CE, standing on the Yellow Carpet where we await the upcoming stunt. Out stunt is going to get us into the Guinness Book of World Records if I do say so myself. We are going to have a willing and faithful volunteer from the mob behind me go down THE WORLD'S FIRST SLIP 'N' SLIDE! OK not the world's first regular Slip 'n' Slide, but it is the first one to have pure liquid cheese pumped into it, courtesy of Cheese Hut, and it is over a mile long. (Yes, Cheesecakia uses the non-metric system). OK we pick you to be our volunteer. She treks up the hill and here she goes! (Screams excitedly) She has finished the Slip 'n' Slide with a top speed of 42 mph! Anew record! Well All of this is a new record but still... Back to you Cheese Face.

OK it's our final category, Favorite Song. Nominees:

Eleanor Rigby

Last Train to Awesmetown

I Got No iPhone

And the winner of Favorite Song is... Eleanor Rigby!!

And now for some Honorary Winners!

Hannah L. - Best 8th grade friend

Katie W. - Awesome friend

Micah F. - Awesome friend

And Bob - Being the awesomest Ippit I've ever known

The Impaler, Auntie Wilma, and Steve Joe Bob - Participating in the Cheesey Awards

Congratulations to all the Winners. Thanks for reading and GOOD NIGHT!

--Cheese Face :0)

24 November 2009

Countdown To AWESOME!

It's only 48 more hours away! The Cheesey Awards are almost here. So I will put up a Countdown so we can countdown til the Cheeseys come!


Cheese Face out.

23 November 2009


Good evening and welcome to Random Questions. I'm your hast the Cheese Face.

Random Question 1: What is the super secret act you have planned for the Cheesey Awards?
Answer: You'll have to wait 3 days for that answer.

Random Question 2: how DO you find density?
Answer: Mass over volume.

Random Question 3: what does 'dipthong' mean?
Answer: It is the shh sound, for example; the sound two letters make.

Random Question 4: If it is raining in Honolulu and you are having chamomile tea with a badger, does the forest get louder?
Answer: Yes.

That's is for Random Questions.

Cheese Face out.

I Can See Clearly Now

You might think I titles this post because of that song that goes " I can see clearly now the rain is gone..." but nope. While I do enjoy that song, the real reason I can see clearly now is because I am gettin' new glasses! You say I lie?! There is no Cheese Face wearing glasses in the Halloweenies picture. Well I don't lie. You can ask the Impaler herself because I DO wear glasses.

Wow that was short. No funny remarks or cheesy jokes. I must be losing my luster. Está loca, losing my luster. I just made a funny remark! I'm back!! 'Course, those of you who are die-hard George Lopez fans know why that's funny. (sheepish laugh).

Cheese Face out.

22 November 2009

50 Posts Ago...

That is right. it is the 50th post of The Cheese Face Page. 50 posts ago, I told you the story of how I came to be known as the Cheese Face. And now look at me. I have my own semi-annual awards show! How many other blogs have you read that have an awards show? Or an ongoing segment of 4 totally random questions? Or how about my fairly new segment of The Cheese Face, the one where I talk about stuff that's just plain awesome, *the beatles*, or stuff that's well... plain awesome, ):^. Eggbert. For the Impaler, Auntie Wilma, Bob, and Steve Joe Bob, you has your Eggbert.

But in honor of this special celebration, I will type the word blog 50 times, followed by Ni, 50 times. Here I go.

Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog
Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog
Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog
Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog
Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog!!

And now for Ni. * in CAPS I might add*


Thank you faithful readers, for reading this magnificent blog.

Cheese Face out.


I just want to say thanks, you guys, the faithful readers of The Cheese Face Page, for voting NON-STOP for the Cheeseys. You guys are awesome, so know I'm gonna give you an update on how all the candidates are doing on the polls.

Favorite Song:
Eleanor Rigby-- 2 votes
Last Train to Awesometown-- 1 vote
I Got No iPhone-- no votes

Favorite Movie:
Monty Python and the Holy Grail-- 3 votes
Mall Cop-- no votes
Bee Movie-- no votes
Twilight-- 1 vote

Most Random thing to Say When talking to Your Grandmother:
CHEETOES!!-- 4 votes
You like Dags?-- 1 vote
Burst into hysterical laughter- 1 vote

Favorite Sport:
Tennis-- 2 votes
Baseball-- 1 vote
Volleyball-- 1 vote

Awesomest Band;
*the beatles*-- 9 votes
Trout Fishin' in America-- 2 votes
Nuttin' But Strings-- 1 vote

Best Blog:
The Mind of Steve Joe Bob-- 5 votes
Wilma Knows All-- 3 votes
Impaled by Unicorns-- 6 votes
The Almost Real Adventures of Bob-- 4 votes

Favorite Mal singer:
Parry Gripp-- 4 votes
Jason Mras-- 2 votes
Micheal Jackson-- 1 vote

Favorite Female Singer:
Katy Perry-- 1 vote
Lady GaGa-- 3 votes
Charlotte Martin-- 3 votes

Cheese Face out

RE: New Moon!

Well, I has gone and done it. I has seen New Moon. Let me just say this, it was AWESOME!! I want to go see it again. Well. that's all I have to say.

Cheese Face out.

20 November 2009

New Moon!

Sup. I is soopir estascated! The title says it all. That's right! I get to see New Moon! Tomorrow, for my friend's b-day. Her actual b-day is on The Cheesey Awards, but since that is Thanksgiving, we'll go... TOMORROW!! I just said that didn't I? Well, it's gonna be awesome. I have waited for this day since March! Hurray for the vampire craze that is sweeping the nation of Cheesecakia! At least, for me anyway. The Impaler's opinion on vampires is, well, her opinion, and i cannot change that. 'cuz that is mean. Iwouldn't do that to a fffffffffffrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeennnnnnnndddddd.B-]>. It's Johnny the guy with a goatee emoticon! I mades him ups. Well.... bye.

Cheese Face out.

19 November 2009

The Cheese Face: Awesome Songs

Welcome to tonight's post of The Cheese Face. Today we are going to talk about awesome songs.

Song: Eleanor Rigby
By: The Beatles
Why it's Awesome: it's just plain awesome. You can't argue with that!
Off the Charts: Yes

Song: Last Train to Awesometown
By: Parry Gripp
Why it's Awesome: "The roof is on fire, gonna burn it to the ground..."
Off the Charts: Yes

Song: 18 Wheels on a Big Rig
By: Trout Fishing in America
Why it's Awesome: "Oh there's 3.1431425679...11... million wheels on a big rig..."
Off the Charts: Almost there

Song: Boogie Boogie Hedgehog
By: Parry Gripp
Why it's Awesome: "Boogie boogie hedgehog, eatin onna carrot, got your head stuck in a toilet paper tube..."
Off the Charts: Yes

Song: I Got No iPhone
By: Parry Gripp
Why it's Awesome: "When the boat capsizes, no hope on the horizon, got a 2 year contract and I'm stuck on Verizon!..."
Off the Charts: Yep

Song: This is My Ringtone
By Parry Gripp
Why It's Awesome: "Everybody look at me, I've got 3G..."
Off the Charts: Is an iPhone awesome? (Yes)

Song: I Can't Stop Googling Myself
By: Parry Gripp
Why it's Awesome: "I can't stop googling myself... I do it every night,woo, I know it ain't right!.."
Off the Charts: His brain might be, too (Yes)

Cheese Face out.

17 November 2009

Too Many Teachers!

What is up! It is I the Cheese Face. Well, for the past couple of weeks, my social studies teacher, Mrs. H. has been gone. The entire class is speculating what could have happened. Like she was abducted by aliens, or somethin'. But anyway, we have been getting 5 different subs for 21 Days! First, we had Mrs. P. You 'member Mrs. P., 'member? You 'member. Then we had Mr. D. and he was OK. Then we had Mr. M. Then after him we had Mr. B.lue. Then We had Mrs. P.atzoff. I hated her. every time I sneezed she just glared at me. I hated it. Now we have Mr.B. again and I'm stating to wonder just how many substitute teachers are the in Cheeseland.

Actually, I liked Mr. D. the best. He wasn't boring yet he wasn't all fun and games all the time. He talked mostly about WWII, but that was because we had watched a video about it the day before.

Cheese Face out.

14 November 2009


Hello, and welcome to Random Questions. I'm your host, The Cheese Face.

Random Question 1: If it is raining on Mt. Rainier, and you are discussing about whether it should rain on the 3rd Wednesday of June, does the badger make a sound?
Answer: Yes

Random Question 2: Show us how to count to infinity.
Answer: 1... infinity.

Random Question 3: Name as many cheeses you can.
Answer: Cheddar, Pepper jack, Gorgonzola, mozzarella, Gouda, Sharp Cheddar, Swiss, Bleu, Bree, white Cheddar.

Random Question 4: ARE YOU MAD?! You put my enchiladoritoes into the toilet as a dip for you dog Spunky over there?!
Answer: I don't have a dog named Spunky, I've never seen an enchiladoritoes, and no, I'm not mad.

That's it for Random Questions.

Cheese Face out.

08 November 2009

Its Time Once Again for the CHEESEY AWARDS!!

Yo-la, you know me, the super awesome Cheese Face. Now Listen, the Cheesey Awards are comin' up reeeeaaaaal soon-like, like on Thankgiving. I am going to post A BUNCH of polls just for this occaisian. Your job is to vote and vote every day so your favorite nominee can win! Tell All your friend to go to http://thecheeseface.blogspot.com/ to vote. The more votes, the better!

Cheese Face out.

05 November 2009

Cheese Face Has No Game

The Cheese Face saying What up?! Yesterday, in gym class our regular teacher Mr. N. was gone so we had *gulp* Mrs. P. Mrs. P. is about 10 times worse than Mr. L. and about 20 times meaner than the V.P. at our school. And yes V.P. stands for vice principal not for vice president. But in gym we are learning to play volleyball, a game in which I have no game. And with Mrs. P. around, her form of "encouragement" is quite the opposite. Discouragement you could say. So when we serve the ball, 90% of us "newbies" have never even played volleyball before, so of course we're gonna jank up the joint*.
(* see Cheeselish/ English translation)

Mrs. P. is all like "I thought I told you NOT to hit the sound board. Do you know what you did wrong?" And I was thinking No, because you would't tell us what we were doing wrong.

With that kind of sub, you wouldn't have no game either.

Cheese Face out.

* Jank up the joint-- To stink; to be suckish in a sport or anything else really

01 November 2009

Me, on Halloweenies

Me, as Abby Sciuto from NCIS.

See, that is me! That's right! The Cheese Face did go goth for Halloweenies just like I said I would. 'Cept, I'm not usually goth. But it's still me. And guess what?! My face is not made of cheese! I told you non-believers. And look how awesome my Caf-Pow cup is. My mom made it out of a junior sized popcorn bucket and printed Caf-Pow logos.

Now the word logo has me thinkin', "Why is the word logo called logo." I mean seriously! Why call it a logo; why not call it a "picture representing a company or other group"? I guess that's too long so the shorted it to logo. I wonder if logo is an acronym? Or an abbreviation of some sort. Whatever the reason, logo is still a crazy word.

Cheese Face out.


Dang! You guys voted for who was best like your lives depended on it! Well, in case some of my fans didn't see the poll, lemme recap.

Who is Better?
Parry Gripp
The Beatles
Trout Fishing in America

So who was best? Oh, what was the name of that band *the Beatles* that won *the Beatles* who was best? It was *the Beatles* on the tip of my *the Beatles* tongue. Oh, it was The Beatles!

Cheese Face out

31 October 2009

My Epic-ly Awesome Halloweenies Costume

It is I, The Cheese Face. Halloweenies is today, and I haven't told you, the fans of The Cheese Face Page, what my epic-ly awesome costume is. Well, at first, I had decided way back in May that I was going to be a Tennis player. Bad idea from the start. Then my mind became a mental mute and I couldn't think of another costume. Then, right before we left the costume shop, it came to me. The greatest costume EVER! I was going to be Abby Sciuto, from that show on USA Network NCIS.

It is going to be AWESOME! Cheese Face goes goth, for Halloweenies.

Cheese Face out

29 October 2009

The Cheese Face: Most Addicting Games on The Web

This summer, somes of you peoples must have seen the Most Addicting Games Awards on Nick. Well, I have discovered some addicting games too. So here they are and they come with a link to the website they are on.

Game: Pandemic 2
Objective: Kill mankind by creating a new (or old) deadly disease.
URL: http://www.addictinggames.com/

Game: I Love Traffic
Objective: Create a safe traffic plan with cars coming each way.
URL: http://www.yahoo.com/

Game: The Classroom 2
Objective: Cheat your way through school, just don't let the teacher catch you.
URL: http://www.addictinggames.com/

Game: Four Second Fury
Objective: Complete challenging mini-games in under 4 seconds.
URL: http://www.yahoo.com/

Game: Dance Monkey Dance
Objective: Help Simmo the dancing monkey dance and amaze his friends.
URL: http://yahoo.com/ or http://addictinggames.com/showdown/

Cheese Face out.

Skipper's Log

For those of you who have recently clicked the link to my new blog, you have found... almost nothing. Skipper must be on vacation and can't blog to the peeps of the world. "But Cheese Face, you and Skipper are one in the same, Why don't you write?" you ask. Skipper is my alter ego, ergo, when I am Cheese Face, I blog here, But when I am Skipper, I will blog there. Ok?

Cheese Face out

28 October 2009

My New Blog

I have a new blog. Why? I like this blog, but well, it kinda gets boring with just one blog. Cheese Face also has a split personality called Skipper. My new blog is http://skipperisi.blogspot.com
Click on the link! Click it hard!

Cheese Face out.

25 October 2009

The Cheese Face: Awesome T.V. Shows

Like almost everyone, I watch a lot of T.V. So much where I just had to tell you some of the greatest T.V. shows out there. So, I will. There. I typed it.

Show: Speeders
About?: People's lame excuses to get out of a ticket.
On Channel: TruTv
First aired: Summer of '07

Show: iCarly
About?: 3 teens host a web show and go on crazy adventures.
On Channel: Nickelodeon
First aired: September 8, '07

Show: Mythbusters
About?: Adam Savage, Jamie Hyneman, Tory Belleci, Kari Byron, and Grant Imahara test myths to see if the are true or not.
On Channel: Discovery
First aired: January 23,'03

Show: The Penguins of Madagascar (Or simply known as Penguins)
About?: 4 penguins protect the Central Park Zoo.
On Channel: Nickelodeon
First aired: November 29, '08

Show: Brain Surge
About?: Contestants test their memory skills to win prizes.
On Channel: Nickelodeon
First Aired: September 28, '09

Show: Sponge Bob Square Pants
About?: A yellow sponge live in the subterranean city of Bikini Bottom and goes on wild adventures with his friends.
On Channel: Nickelodeon
First aired: May 1, '99

All my fave T.V. shows. I told you I watched a lot.

Cheese Face out.

source: Wikipedia

What up With My Poll

You guys have seen the poll entitled Do you enjoy my polls, right? It's like right underneath my Who is Better poll? Well why is n one voting on the second one? Is it because if you click no you are afraid I will exile you? Well that's not true. I just want to know, so I can make my blog better. so please, don't be afraid to vote. Those other two votes were from my sibblings, so they don't count. But Please Vote.

Cheese Face

What I Am Doing at This Exact Moment

What I am doing at this exact moment is this. I am typing these words right now. Yes these words of which I am typing. Right now I am playing ZOMBIES with my brother. There's a ZOMBIE on your lawn. There's a ZOMBIE on your Lawn. I am resuming typing these exact words. I have a feeling that said typing will go on forever. These words will not end!

Cheese Face out

23 October 2009

Mister L.

Cheese Face is in the house. Something you might not know about me is that I play the cello. Like the Impaler! We is best buds. We are even in the same class!

But today was an unhappy day. Our regular teacher was gone and he left us with... Mr. L. Mr. L. is old, mean, and well, to be frank, he's a moronic, old, and mean dude. I don't mean to speak rude of him, but this is what is the truth. I has the freedom of expression, right? But I digress. Anyways, yesterday, when we played Eleanor Rigby, he said, and I quote, that " It was the most horrible thing he's ever heard". Shucks for you old dude! We will take ourselves and music elsewhere. Onto Cheeseland Private school! They will surely enjoy our fine music. You has driven us away old dude.

As for the moronic part, he can't or won't even help us tune! We are a mixture of newbies and experienced players, and us newbies is still learning the tuning process. I can't wait 'til our regular teacher comes back from wherever he is. Mr. L. has got to go.

Cheese Face out.

22 October 2009


It is cold in Cheesecakia. Poo. Now the Cream of Ice trucks no longer run with their happy little tunes. WWWHHHYYY?! Why they do this to me. They can't do this. I... am... Cheese Face! I know who did this. It was the Rain and Coldness. You seethe with anger towards me for no apparent reason. I HATE YOU RAIN AND COLDNESS! Well, are ya happy? You got me to scream to the heavens.
What? You mean it isn't Rain and Coldness's fault, but instead, it is the seasonal change known as Autumn? You're saying that I was a bit over dramatic, even though it was kinda funny? Oh, well, then I should apologize publicly to Rain and Coldness.
I, The Cheese Face, wish to apologize publicly to Rain and Coldness for accusing them of making the country of Cheesecakia cold and therefore stopping the routine of the Cream of Ice trucks. Please don't hate upon me.

Cheese Face out.

20 October 2009

Good Eats Turns 10

Sup. It be me the Cheese Face! I is soopir estaticated. Know why? Well, my fave show Good Eats is entering its 10th year. Let's see... if it's 2009 now minus 10, that means Good Eats started in 1999.
Cheese Face does mental math for yous. WWWHHHAAATT?!? You've never seen or heard of Good Eats? Shucks for you. But to fill you in on the two-fer-one deal you're missing, a summary of the show and a list of episodes ('K maybe not all the episodes).

Summary: Good Eats is hosted by Alton Brown, in the state of Georgia. As I said it first aired in 1999. Brown, in addition to cooking, also teaches the science behind cooking and the history of the food. So you're actually getting a three-fer-one deal. Brown also has many guests on the show like Lady in the Refrigerator (Carolyn O'Neil) who is a dietitian tells about the history of food and likes to tease A.B. and Deborah Duchon, who is a nutritional anthropologist, talks about what ancient peoples used to do with the food of the day and A.B. sometimes asks her "How do you like you (food of the day)".

List of episodes (in order):

Season 1:
Steak Your Claim (steak)
This Spud's For You (patatoes)
The Egg-Files (eggs)
Salad Daze (salads)
A Bird in the Pan (roasted chicken)
Churn Baby Churn (ice cream)
The Dough Also Rises (biscuits)
Gravy Confidential (gravy)
A Bowl of Onion (onions)
Hook, Line, and Dinner (fish)
Pantry Raid I: Use Your Noodle (noodles)
Power to the Pilaf (pilaf)
The Art of Darkness (chocolate)

Season 2:
It's a Wonderful Cake (fruitcake)
For Whom the Cheese Melts (fondue and grilled cheese sandwiches)
Apple Family Values (apples)
Crust Never Sleeps (pie)
Citizen Cane (sugar and caramel)
Urban Preservation I: Jam Session (jams and jellies)
Crustacean Nation (shrimp)
True Brew (coffee)
Ear Aparrent (corn)
Fry Hard (fish and chips)
A Grind is a Terrible Thing to Waste (ground beef)
Pantry Raid II: Seeing Red (tomato sauce)
The Fungal Gourmet (mushrooms)
Pork Fiction (ribs)

Season 3:

Tofuworld (tofu)
Mussel Bound (mussels)
The Egg Files II: Man with a Flan (flan and quiche)
What's Up, Duck (duck)
Three Chips for Sister Marsha (chocolate chip cookies)
Grill Seekers (grilled lamb)
American Pickle (pickles)
Flap Jack Do It Again (pancakes)
Head Games (cabbage)
Flat is Beautiful (pizza)
Pantry Raid III: Cool Beans (beans)
Mission: Mission: Poachable (poaches fish)
Behind the Bird (turkey)

And a few of my personal favorites
Fry Turkey Fry (fried turkey)
The Trouble with Cheesecake (cheese cake)
Oh My, Meat Pie (parody of Sweeney Todd) (mince meat and Sheppard's pie)

Now you can view episodes on Youtube! If you know how to work the internet you can get to youtube.

Cheese Face out.

Sources: Wikipedia

Happy birthday, Good Eats!

18 October 2009

My Pet Peeves

Today, I have nothing to write about that will cure the Piggy Flu, so I will write about my pet peeves.

Pet Peeve #1: People with a ridiculously high amount of energy. Most of my friends have high amounts of energy but not RIDICULOUSLY HIGH! Like this one kid named (enter name of 8th month here), he is INSANE with energy. It so weird.

Pet Peeve #2: Nails scratching paper. I hate this more than nails on a chalkboard. It irritates my teeth and nails. A lot.

Pet Peeve #3: Girls who wear too much makeup. I mean it's OK when worn in small amounts. Or your dressing up for a clown for Halloweenies.

Pet Peeve #4: Forks scratching a plate. High pitched whirring noise drives me insane!

Pet Peeve #5: People in cartoons who don't use common sense. This one I don't really have an explanation. It just bugs me.

So those are my pet peeves. Or at least some of them.

Cheese Face out.

17 October 2009

Happy Halloweenies Story!

Here is a story to tell your young ones at bedtime. Tell it to them at Halloweenies!

There once was a kid named Mirror. She was born on Halloweenies! What is Halloweenies, you ask? Well, while you Americans have Halloween, us Cheesecakians have Halloweenies. Insteads of saying "Trick or treat" we say "Halloweenies treats". But anyways, Mirror hated her name. "I hate my name," she said. Her mom was OBSESSED with mirrors when she was born, so her mom named her Mirror.
One Halloweenies, Mirror dressed up as a mirror. She was so mad, that she went around town causing terror. See, peoples in the town Little Pepperjack are afraid of anything out of the ordinary. So like fires, traffic tickets, and especially giant prancing mirrors. "Ahh!" said the hysterical townsfolk. "Eeehhh," said Mirror. She groaned in boredom. She chased the townsfolk into the town of Cheddar and then went home to enjoy the rest of her birthday.

The End.

You like?

Cheese Face out.

09 October 2009

The Piggy Flu Still Wreaks Havoc

Yes, a blog on the Piggy Flu, better known to you hysterically overprotective peoples as "The Dreaded H1N1" virus. It wreaks havoc in Cheeseland, hence the title. Like 14% of students are missing from MY school right here in Cheeseland. I didn't mean for the capitalization on the 'my' part but it totally works. =). 14% is like over 100 kids. GONE! Heck this flu wreaks so much havoc, there are LYSOL commercials about it! Do you know how much havoc it takes to get a disease advertising for Lysol. A lot!

So, I hope I've inspired you to go out and by 60 cans of Lysol because they will protect you from the Piggy Flu. Not! I had the Piggy Flu and my family went wwwwwaaaaayyyy overboard with the Lysol and we still had it! Just buy it just to be safe.

This has been a Piggy Flu public service announcement by The Cheese Face.

08 October 2009

No! The Piggy Flu!

So, yesterday, my little sister, who I call, my sister, went home sick from school. So then we took her to the doctor where we waited a SOOOOOPIR long time. She had to wear a mask. Oh, the embarrassment. I know how she felt with the embarrassment. I had to wear that stupid mask when I was sick. It turns out, she is sick with the ever present Piggy Flu. Oh the horror. No seriously the horror. I might get sick, my mom might get sick, my dad might get sick, well, almost my whole household family is doomed. IMPENDING DOOM AWAITS US; OH NO!

So what can you do to not get that ever present Piggy Flu? Wwwwwweeelll, let's just say hope to God you don't get sick. And if you and your family don't believe in God, hope to whoever you hope to that you don't get sick.

Cheese Face out.

03 October 2009

A GIGANTIC Thank You to Thosed Who Polled The Poll

For those of you who polled my SECOND poll, a gigantic thank you.
Thank You!!

But now, I must reveal the answer.

Question: What is the name of my first blog post?
Sup and Whatnot
The Legend of The Cheese Face
What! Blog?! What Blog?!

And the correct answer is................................................................... The Legend of The Cheese Face!

Cheese Face out

29 September 2009

The Cheesey Awards!

Yo-la peoples of Earth with Internet access! You are now reading The Cheese Face Page. Sit down with your fried frayed friends( or as you Americans who OBSESSIVELY text say, BFFs) and enjoy this fine blog.

The day has come! IT'S THE SEMI-ANNUAL CHEESEY AWARDS**! OK, I may sound like an overly preppy, stuck up teen star, but I'm not. I'm just psyched for the Cheeseys.

Now before we begin, it's time to sing the Cheesecakian national anthem.

Hail Cheesecakia, the great.
Oh Cheesecakia! Your my favorite place.
We love you from your big trees
To the busy cities.
Hail Cheesecakia!

Hail Cheesecakia, the great.
Oh, how we guide her to the way.
We help her through thick and thin.
Til the very end.
Hail Cheesecakia!

OK, here we go.

Our first category is: Best Blog.
Your Nominees:
Impaled By Unicorns; impalersblog.blogspot.com
Wilma Knows All; wilmaknowsall.blogspot.com
The Mind of Steve Joe Bob; stevejoebob.blogspot.com

You voted, and the winner is..... Holy splee! It's a tie between Impaled By Unicorns and Wilma Knows All! Congrats!

Our next category is: Most Awesomest Band.
Your nominees:
Trout Fishing in America
The Beatles
Parry Gripp*

The winner is... PARRY GRIPP*! Congats, Mr. Gripp.

And now a word from our sponsor.
Drink Coca-Cola; Live life.

And we're Back. Quick little recap, we have announced the winners for Best Blog are Impaled By Unicorns and Wilma Knows All, and the winner for Most Awesomest Band is Parry Gripp*!

Third category is: Best Kids' Choice Awards host.
Your Nominees:
Jack Black (2006, 2008)
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson (2009)
Ben Stiller (2005)

The results are in and you chose.... Jack Black!

Our fourth and FINAL category is: Best Way to Hold a Fundraiser.

But Before we tell you the results, let's go to Mr. Cheese outside on the Yellow Carpet.

(Mr. Cheese speaking)
Well, Cheese Face, today we are making History. We are going to see what would happen if you were to drop a 2 ton Ball of Silly Putty off the roof of This McDonald's building! Yeah! With the help of the over-sized forklift, we are able to load the GIGANTIC egg onto the roof. I have just now received word that the egg is off and now we push. 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... PUSH! HOLY SPLEE-VILLE! WE HAVE JUST MADE THE BALL GO UP 10 FEET and come crashing down to the cement were it has exploded into a large pile of goo!

Thank you, Mr. Cheese. And now, your nominees for Best Way to Hold a Fundraiser are:
Car Wash
Magazine sales
selling chocolates


Thank you for reading and good night!

*Parry Gripp though technically not a band, still makes song and therefore qualifies him for the winner.
**The Cheesey Awards do not actually hand out awards, but instead is a symbol of appreciation.

26 September 2009


Good Morning and welcome to Random Questions. I'm your host, The Cheese Face.
This week, I have a special shout out to... MY SISTER!! Happy 9th B-Day you crazy nut bar!

Random Question 1: Sing me a diddy!
Answer: DIDDY

Random Question 2: Where is G.O.L.D.?
Answer: Oh, you mean Gum Overpowers Loose Dimes? That restaurant is in Tangcanneddelicacylandapolis.

Random Question 3: What year did Good Eats premiere?
Answer: 1999!

Random Question 4: If a tree falls in the middle of a forest while you are drinking Hot Cheese-late on the 18 of February does your lawn mold?
Answer: No.

Well that's it for Random Questions.

Cheese Face Out.

24 September 2009

What Is That Stench That Dare Invade My Nose?!?!

OK, so the Cheese Face got new carpeting in her home! Yay! Unfortunately, no one warned me that it was going to smell worse that Stinky Cheese! I mean no offense to the dude who installed it. You did an awesome job, I mean way to go, but the glue or whatever was NASTY! (Still, no offense carpet installing professional dude.)


Cheese Face out.

23 September 2009

RE: Poll

You voted and the results are in! But before I tell you what the corrected answer is, let me recap the question.

Question: What is the capital of Cheesecakia?

And the correct answer is, (drumroll, please) Cheeseland!!

So sorry for those of you who voted Mondoplex and Q. Seriously, why did no one vote for Firkleburg*?

Cheese Face out.

* Got an answer for my question? Leave a comment and I'll post the most logical one. Good luck!

18 September 2009

Cheesecakian National Holiday!!




17 September 2009


O.K., What up with the poll. Almost no one is polling the poll. No one. Almost. Please. Please vote. Ineed Voters. And why is no one voting for Firkleburg. 'Tis a possibility That I reside there.
So, Vote.

And that is why it is never ok to eat milk soy. Milk soy is different from Soy milk.

Cheese Face out.


Hello. Guess what? They made a banana flavored Tootsie pop and it's good! But that's not why I am irked. Nope.

Instead, Today at my Fun Learning Facility Where I Hang With The Impaler (F.L.F.W.I.H.W.T.I.), my little brother who I call, my brother, had to stay after for 15 minutes. 15 MINUTES! THAT'S LIKE 15 MINUTES! So I waited for him and saw that Harlan the Stalker was there. OMG CHEESE FACE IS BEING STALKED! IT IS ANNOYING!! After that, they spent 20 minutes doing stupid boyish/stalker-ish stuff. I almost left them for home. But Something could have happened, then I would be Faulted and oh, the misery.

So I was late coming home.

Cheese face is not Happy with her little bro'. Nope.

Cheese Face out.

13 September 2009


So if you look on the side bar, you see something labeled, "Crazy Fish! You Can't Take Over Petco!", and inside there are 4 fish.Their names? Well, look below.

Name: Flo
Color: Orange
Things You Might Wanna Know: Flo is the leader. At a very young age she was discovered to have Insanitous, a disease know to make fish insane and since then she's has wanted ever so badly to form a fish army and destroy Petco's and Wal-Marts.

Name: Peach
Color: Yellow
Things You Might Wanna Know: Peach is calm and pretty much does whatever she pleases. She is second in command.

Name: Debb
Thing You Might Wanna Know: Debb is shy and mostly stays out of the way. She is the only one to refuse taking a position in Flo's fish army.

Name: Jacques
Color: Green
Things You Might Wanna Know: Jacques is the one who comes up with the strategies for Flo's crazy schemes. He Pretty much does whatever hes told. Jacques is also the fastest fish in the "Farmy". ( He refuses to say fish army and thinks it is degrading.)

08 September 2009


Sup peeps of Internet! You've reached the Cheese Face. And Guess what I got to do on Cheese Face Don't Do Labor On Labor Day Weekend weekend? Yes I know I have weekend twice ;).

Well, like the Impaler, I was sick. Just not sick with a soopir bad cold . Poor Impaler, I cries for you. Having a soopir bad cold ain't no fun. =(.

Anyways, I had to do hard physical labor on C.F.D.D.L.O.L.D.W. Yeah it's a mouthful. The work? Trying to keeps my sisters from killing each other. They almost did it this time! They almost killed each other on the way to Kearney, (car KNEE) NE. What was I doing' in Kearney on C.F.D.D.L.O.L.D.W.? Well I was visiting my grandparents in Hastings and we went to the Great Platte River Road Archway Monument (T.G.P.R.R.A.M. ) It's like this big arch thing that goes over Interstate 80. It's bigger than it looks. In fact, It's home to Nebraska's SECOND largest escalators. You go up the escalators where a guy greets you and hands you headphones. After you put your headphones on you hear people telling' what it was like crossing the Oregon Trail and what not. But after you reach a certain scene, no more O.T. From there it tells about how the "world was changed with cars for transit" If you go into the '50s diner, there are windows that overlook I-80 with radars telling how fast the cars are going. At the end I looked down the Escalator and chickened 'cuz it was so far up. I went down the elevator instead.

After that, we went to Fort Kearney. To be frank, it was kinda boring. Mostly 'cuz we missed the big firing of the big canon. It was a good thing almost with my little cousins around.


Cheese Face out.

07 September 2009


Good morning and welcome to Random Questions. I'm your host, the Cheese Face.

RANDOM QUESTION 1: If the mouse on you computer was attacked by a lizard in the middle of a forest on Wednesday, would it eat a Chili Cheese Dog?

Answer: No.

RANDOM QUESTION 2: What would happen if your computer exploded while reading this ULTRA funny blog?

Answer: Shrapnel. Shrapnel would happen and implode your house.

RANDOM QUESTION 3: Do I like enchiladoritoes?


RANDOM QUESTION 4: What does E equal?

Answer: E=mc2

Well that's it for Random Questions.

* I do know who Tom Hanks is btw

04 September 2009

The Cheese Face: Movie Reviews

So I watch a lot of movies. But only the really good ones get posted.

Name of Movie: The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie
Year Made: 2004
Place on Scale: 4 1/2 cheeses
Cast: Tom Kenny, Clancy Brown, Bill Fagerbakke, Roger Bumpass, Doug Lawrence, Alec Baldwin, Scarlett Johansson, David Hasselhoff

Name of Movie: Bee Movie
Year Made: 2007
Place on Scale: 4 cheeses
Cast: Jerry Seinfeld Renée Zellweger Matthew Broderick Chris Rock Patrick Warburton Kathy Bates Barry Levinson John Goodman Megan Mullally Rip Torn Oprah Winfrey Ray Liotta Michael Richards Larry King Sting Larry Miller Jim Cummings Tress MacNeille

Name of Movie: Twilight
Year Made:2008
Place on Scale: 5 cheeses

Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Peter Facinelli, Elizabeth Reaser, Ashley Greene, Jackson Rathbone, Nikki Reed, Kellan Lutz, Billy Burke,

Cam Gigandet, Rachelle Lefèvre, Edi Gathegi,

Sarah Clarke, Matt Bushell, Taylor Lautner, Gil Birmingham, Solomon Trimble, Christian Serratos, Michael Welch, Anna Kendrick, Gregory Tyree Boyce, Justin Chon, Ned Bellamy, José Zúñiga, Stephenie Meyer

Name if Movie: Edward Sissorhands
Year Made:1990
Place on Scale: 3 1/2 cheeses
Cast:Johnny Depp, Winona Ryder, Dianne Wiest, Anthony Michael Hall, Kathy Baker, Alan Arkin, Vincent Price

Source of cast members: wikipedia.org

31 August 2009


Good evening and welcome to Random Questions. I'm your host, The Cheese Face.

Did Sam V. really move to New York to be on a play on Broadway?
Answer: Not likely.

Where is my jelly bar?!?
Answer: What jelly bar am I speaking of!?! I don't have a jelly bar. I am the master of cheese not overly sweetened fruit!

What does the G stand for in GIR?
Answer: "I don't know."

Answer: Why?

Well that's it for Random Questions. That's not the piont. Well, then, what IS the point? Wait, I'm going insane! I've finally Cracked my cheese covered cracker! (More cheese humor.)

Cheese Face out.

28 August 2009


From the title, Noooo could mean anything. For instance: Noooo not the milk! Now it is land o lakes! Or just plain NOOOOOO!!

But actually, I am ticked. Irked if you will. Know WHY?!? I am irked? Because.

Lemme take you back to the first day of school. What? You're surprised that the Infinite Prez of Cheesecakia goes to SCHOOL?!?! Well don't be. I go to school because I like to learn. So there! So the V.P. at our school, or as the Impaler and I call him, The Evil One in a Trench Coat, told us that we have to have 2 fire drills in the first 2 weeks of school. I don't think he EVER mentioned that they had to be UNPLANNED! The first fire drill was DEFINITELY unplanned. Even Evil was surprised. The second one, well the student body was surprised and so was my gym teacher who I will call, for the sake of his privacy, Mr. N. But, with my I.P. powers, I could tell that Evil was smugly smirking.

Yeah I am irked.

Cheese Face out.

26 August 2009

My iPod

Being an Infinite Prez and judging by the title you may be wondering "The Cheese Face has an iPod?" Well yes and no.

Why do I answer both? Well for one I don't actually have an iPod. No. Nada. Zip. Zilch. But instead I have an MP3 player. Now I know that's not an iPod, but that's not even half of my ever extending music archive. As for the 'yes' part, well the "music archive" is my brain. Yep. You read it. My brain. My brain is my iPod. Now I bet you're wondering if my cheese fell off my cracker. =). Cheese humor. Always a good laugh. But anyways, if I here a song long enough to memorize the lyrics then the song becomes lodged into my iPod. Yep.

And since I'm on the subject of music my favorite band is......


Yep. My fave band ever. Favorite song written by them? What I Want is a Proper Cup of Coffee.
That's the name of the song. Lyrics? Go to http://youtube.com/ and look up What I Want is a Proper Cup of Coffee.

25 August 2009

Cheesecakia's History

So, The Cheese Face has returned to blogger to blog. My new blog? Cheesecakia's history.


OVERVIEW: Cheesecakia is right where the upper half Luxembourg (lux EM burg) use to be. So like right in between France and Germany. Land area is 499.3 sq. mi. Cheesecakia's capital and largest city is Cheeseland with a population of 4,676 people. Cheesecakia became a country in early 2009, so like in April, after Luxembourg Kindly gave half of their tiny country to me. And yes I do mean kindly.
Cheesecakia's national anthem is "Hail Cheesecakia, The Great". Cheese Face was elected Infinite Prez in May 2009, by the natives to the former half of Luxembourg.
The U.S. of A. gave half of Guam as a gift to help Cheesecakia prosper as a country.

ECONOMY: The people of Cheescakia make their living mostly by farming whatever grew there when it was still part of Luxembourg. (I don't want to get into specifics mostly 'cuz that would take forever.) Cheeseland has one major manufacturing company which produces Cheesecakes.


National food: the Classic Cheesecake
National Bird: Northern Cardinal
National Tree: Cherry Bark Oak (Quecus Falcata)

Lyrics to National Anthem:

Hail Cheesecakia, the great.
Oh Cheesecakia! Your my favorite place.
We love you from your big trees
to the busy cities.
Oh, Cheesecakia.
Hail Cheescakia.

Hail Cheesecakia the great.
Oh how we guide her to the way.
We guide her through thick and thin,
'til the very end.
Oh Cheesecakia.
Hail Cheesecakia.


07 August 2009

Cheesecakia's National Dictionary

So like any country I too have a language. It is called Cheeselish. If you ever encounter me and need to know what I'm saying look here. But if you ever encounter cheese and look here ask yourself this: "Am I suffering from Extreme Stupidity?" If you aren't suffering from E.S. then you'll know that I'm not really made of cheese! But if you are suffering from E.S., then call you doctor 'cuz you have just confirmed that you have the first stage of E.S. Together, we may not find a cure. But anyway, the dictionary is waiting.

Word: Jank (adj.)
Meaning: lame, stupid, suckish
Sentence: That's JANK.

Word: Ehhhh (noise)
Meaning: I don't wanna do that

Sentence: EHHHHH.

Word: Lame-o (noun)
Meaning: One who is lame
Sentence: The Evil One in a Trench Coat is a LAME-O.

Word: Hobknocker (noun)
Meaning: 'K so you've heard Hobknocker on Icarly but still, it mean mischeivious goblin
Sentence: Wade Collins is a HOBKNOCKER!

Word: Spee (adj)
Meaning: Happy
Sentence: I is SPEE*!

Word:Splee (adj.)
Meaning: Very happy
Sentence: I IS SPLEE*!!!
So basically that's the dictionary.

Edit 12/11/10**:

Word: Squee (noise)
Meaning: OMG! Actually it's the noise I make when I hear a They Might Be Giants song. Or something. Just click the link.
Sentence: *SQUEE*

Word: Chiz (noun)
Meaning: stuff; can be euphemism for 'crap'
Sentence: What the CHIZ?!

Word: RAWR (verb)
Meaning: roar
Sentence: I RAWR you.

Cheese Face out


*Though SPEE and SPLEE may have somewhat similar meanings, they are two different words
**Dictionary subject to change at any notice.

05 August 2009

The Physical: A Story About How and Why I Was Impaled

Well, if you've read The Impaler's blog, I'm not about to be impaled by her.
But instead, the evil one called the "Healer Guy" or as you mortals know him by: the doctor.

See I'm s'possed to get a whole bunch of shots to make that the Infinite Prez of Cheesecakia does not fall ill, but I know from a semi-reliable source that he is planning something more devious, something more sinister than even I can imagine: my demotion from Infinite Prez to Dowdy Secretary.

This is how it worked: At precisely 2:30 P.M., the person came to do these things that normally take place. Then he then he gave me the shots. Nothing happened really. but that was Wednesday. Today is Thursday and I can already feel my downfall begin. Firs by weakening the arms, then hands and fingers,(so I can't type) then, the stomach, and the rest of the body.

NO, I can't become dowdy! Anything but that!

Cheese Face out.

29 July 2009

The Great Nebraska Road Trip

So you know how I told you I was going to Kansas on Monday? Well it turns out the fun didn't stop there. Yesterday My Grandma took me, my 2 little cousins, and my 3 little sibs all the way to Lake McConaughy. Well first we went to North Platte to see Buffalo Bill's Ranch, and then we went to the giant Golden Spike Tower. Apparently more trains go through North Platte than any other place in the world, so when they joined the east railroad to the west, they made that tower. You take an elevator all the way up to the 8th floor and you can see all of the train tracks. You could even see the Sandhills! And no the tower is not a "spike" exactly. I just a tower. I'm not sure where they get the spike from. From there we went to Lake McConaughy. (For those of you who can't pronounce McConaughy it's this: mc-CON-a HEY). We got Sand de McConaughy(sand of McConaughy). then we ended upo coming home by 2:30 a.m. 'cuz it's like 400 somethin' miles from McConaughy to Hasting, NE.

--Cheese Face out.

27 July 2009

Awesome Dream I Had

Dreams can tell a lot about you. Like this one dream I had about the Mythbusters. Or this other dream about Pawnee Lake. But the greatest dream I ever had was the one where my friends and I had our own web show, like the iCarly gang.

It went like this:

Me and my friend Micah and a person who "hangs" with me, Harlan started our own web show called Randomocity.com. Harlan was the tech producer and me and Micah were the stars. We had this one segment called Trickin' the Sibs(I have sibs) where we made the toilet explode while my younger sister was going. It was HI-larious.

then , we had another segment called, I Am Random and it would be different every time. One day it be screaming, another day me and Micah would say WALL-E fo 30 seconds.

Anyways, dreams tell a lot about people and my dreams say I'm insane.

guy with a goatee

From NE to KS

I get to go to Kansas today. I've never been to Kansas but if it looks like anything on the Wizard of Oz, I'm putting it on my Lame list. Hopefully it's not, cuz I've been told ther's a GIANT ball of string down in Downs, KS.

26 July 2009

What's Game and What's Lame

Every once in a while do you find yourself watching sonethin' lame instead of somrthin' game* on tv? Well, do ya?
Well that's OK. Cuz I'm gonna tell you what's lame and what's not lame.

Good Eats
The Penguins of Madagascar
Mighty B
Agent B. McMuffinz Comics (I created those ^.^)


ANYthing on Discovery Kids


Disney Channel or Disney XD (X-tra Dumb)

Nick Jr.

*Game- somethig not lame; something to entertain yourself

I am FAR From Ordinary

So sometimes I am called wierd, geeky, or crazy. But to know how crazy I really am, read this.

1. I spent the entire day know as 'Squiggles'
2. I love anything that has historic values i.e. really old typewriters
3. I am ALWAYS willing to wake up at 6:30 a.m to watch Saturday morning cartoons
5. I know who Homestar Runner is as well as Strong Bad, Strong Sad, and Strong Mad
6. I am a SpongeBob super fan.
7. I dance at 12:34 because without the colon dot, it says 1234

The Ledgend of The Cheese Face

Sup. It's me, The Cheese Face. Now, my face isn't REALLY made of cheese. It's just a nickname I got from my friends. I remember it like it was yesterday.

(Wavy flashback mode)

It was 4th period Math class. My class was learning about proportions or somethin' like that.
We, as a class, were working on this math problem where you were s'possed find out how fast this Olympic speed skater was going. The answer? 10mps (meters per second). so I said "My face can't stand the G's!" But my friend Maddie thought I said cheese and was like "your face is made of CHEESE?!" I tried explaining but she kepy calling me Cheese Face.

I gotta go before my sisters kill themselves