So you know how I told you I was going to Kansas on Monday? Well it turns out the fun didn't stop there. Yesterday My Grandma took me, my 2 little cousins, and my 3 little sibs all the way to Lake McConaughy. Well first we went to North Platte to see Buffalo Bill's Ranch, and then we went to the giant Golden Spike Tower. Apparently more trains go through North Platte than any other place in the world, so when they joined the east railroad to the west, they made that tower. You take an elevator all the way up to the 8th floor and you can see all of the train tracks. You could even see the Sandhills! And no the tower is not a "spike" exactly. I just a tower. I'm not sure where they get the spike from. From there we went to Lake McConaughy. (For those of you who can't pronounce McConaughy it's this: mc-CON-a HEY). We got Sand de McConaughy(sand of McConaughy). then we ended upo coming home by 2:30 a.m. 'cuz it's like 400 somethin' miles from McConaughy to Hasting, NE.
--Cheese Face out.
To Da Cheeseface: u know Tippy my dog? well on our minnesota road trip she got into some nacho cheese and it stuck ALL OVER her little, fuzzy, face. We dubbed her CHEESEFACE JR. !!!!! Im serious her ENTIRE face was coated in liquid cheese sauce.