30 May 2012

Well That Was Tedious...

Ah, school is finally over. Well school was over on the 24th... but now I'm blogging about how school is over. It's like 1:00 in the morning so don't expect this post to be xX~*quality*~Xx. But I'm really happy school is over. Nine months of prison finally free(for three months)! Now I can stay up late and sleep late and do summery things. I'm glad all my finals are done; they were all easy. Now is the time for r&r. Cheese Face out.


  1. So OK - I am one who stumbled on your blog in a google search engine. I was wondering, where did you get your nickname. I recently bought some cheese from a gourmet English cheese company with the slogen "cheese that makes you grin". It does! I was wondering why - hence consulting google. I am wondering is there such a thing as a "cheese face" - because if so I can do a really good one. Can you illuminate me on this one? Or is it just a comment on your personal humor. As for the cheese, get some really good English cheese, none of that American crap they put on burgers and try it out with your mate - it works. Might cause some cheesy amusement.

    1. I got my nickname in 6th grade when i said something really stupid. My first post explains it pretty well(it may take some digging. I don't know if there is such a thing as a "cheese face". Really Cheese Face came about from me and my friends being stupid and I decided to blog about my life a year later.
