We teens do things that adults don't: follow an unwritten rulebook made for all teens. We may not all follow the same rules, but we follow the rules of this book nonetheless. It's completely different from the Adult Rulebook, so it'll make sense if you DON'T think about it. I give to thee, the Unwritten Rules of Teenhood.
1. You will eventually buy something popular, only to have it not be cool the next day. I've had this happen. Remember Nano pets? Like the precursor to the Tamagotchi pets? They were awesome when I was in second grade. Being the stupid little kid I was, I begged my grandma to buy me one so I'd be "cool" in third grade. When third grade came, no one had them, and I looked like a fool. And my little virtual pet became ill and his battery depleted, thus draining him, and my little 3rd grade heart, of life.
2. Your heart will get broken during your teen romances. I haven't had this happen to me, but it will happen to all teens eventually. Probably a lot.
3. There's no use arguing with your parents. Parents like to win.
4. The word 'like' will occur in your vocabulary every five words. Yes, counting similes. I have a problem with 'like'. I may be the poster teen for this rule. I say it ALL. THE. TIME. So much to the point to where I've combined it's and like to form Isslike. I'm working on this habit.
5. Teachers expect you to to do your homework on weekends too. That is, if you didn't do it on Friday.
6. The "mean girls" don't seems so mean if you know one of them was a Girl Scout. And you're the only one who knows. ;-)
7. All insults will result in a "your face," "your mom" or some other variation of them, by your verbal tormentor.
8. For band and strings people: If you play an instrument at school, you will be like by most of the popular kids. This is because you are their ticket out of class if you have an assembly.
9. If a teacher/parent says there won't be a snowday tomorrow you have two options for when they're wrong: Say "Nertz to you!" and proceed to do a victory dance or say the 4 Words, in random order they are Told, I You, So.
Some of the Rules for Teenhood.
Cheese Face out
i said the same things when i was your age! i hope you come back and read this when you have teenage kids or let them read it. it will be hilarious to you. <3