19 September 2010

Random Questions: Post 15

Buenos dias, and welcome to Random Questions.

Random question 1: What would be the atomic weight of lead if it were on the moon?
Answer: 34.533333...

Random question 2: A train enters a tunnel at7 o'clock. Another train enters the exact same tunnel also at 7 o'clock, on the same day. The tunnel has only one track, no passing places, and no other means for the trains to pass around, under, or over. However, both trains make it to the other end of the tunnel, untouched. How did they do it?
Answer: One train went in at 7 am, the other at 7 pm.

Random question 3: What is time?
Answer: Something too long, and too boring to discuss.

Random question 4: The phrase 'civil war' is an oxymoron. Why?
Answer: Because, if a war was civil, it'd be called a 'debate'.

Cheese Face out.

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