17 January 2010

What is Wrong With People?!

Well, The Week of Doom is over but people are still wrong. And I don't mean, "No, Billy. 2+10=12 not 37". I'm talking about the fact that the Impaler is separated from Auntie Wilma and me AND that the CPS peoples have decided to make school start at 7:45 AM and end at 3:19 PM to make up for the extra snow day. My school starts at 8 am and if the CPS peoples wanted to make up a snow DAY, they could add an extra day at the end of the year. 'Cuz according to the yearly calendar that Mr. S. has, the teachers get out a day AFTER the students so it wouldn't really matter if we came to school or not. But NNNNOOOO! We have to go to school 15 minutes early and get out, according to my calculations, 21 minutes late. For 10 days. We have to suffer 10 days to make up for 1 day. WHY?!?!

Cheese Face out.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god really? did you hear that from someone or just calculate it out, cause i should've heard about it if the school sent out an email or something.
